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*New publication* Evidence-based NHS Health Check market segmentation

*New publication* Identification and assessment of digital technologies to assist with the NHS Health Check
This recently published report describes the methods and findings from an analysis of the digital health marketplace to identify and assess existing digital products capable of delivering key elements of the NHS Health Check.

CVDPREVENT: Using the data to drive system change event 21.09.22
The NHS Benchmarking Network will be hosting a webinar to update you on all things CVDPREVENT – CVDPREVENT: Using the data to drive system change. The webinar will include insights into all aspects of the audit itself as well as the quality improvement work that is happening on the ground and using data to drive change. The event is taking place on 21st September 2:00-4:00pm via MS Teams Live. For more information and to register click here.

Call for evidence on Cardiovascular disease: risk assessment and reduction, including lipid modification
The National Institute for Health and Care excellence (NICE) are updating their guidance on Cardiovascular disease: risk assessment and reduction, including lipid modification. They are seeking more information to help them develop the guideline and have invited registered stakeholders, and other individuals and organisations with an interest to send any relevant published or unpublished information. Details of the information we need and how to submit this are on the guideline webpage. The deadline for information is before 5pm on Friday 22 July 2022.

CVD Prevention Recovery: how the NHS is working to restore diagnosis and management of cardiovascular disease
This short briefing provides an overview of the how the NHS is restoring detection, monitoring and treatment of cardiovascular disease. It sets out the 4 high impact areas driving our national approach on CVD prevention and outlines what this means for local NHS teams and patients.

New free NHS Health Check training hub launched
OHID has launched a new NHS Health Check training hub on the Health Education England website. The online hub uses a townscape setting to bring together free e-learning training and other useful resources to support practitioners with delivering NHS Health Checks.

*UPDATED* NHS Health Check: Restart preparation document
On 03 February the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities Cardiovascular Disease Prevention team have updated the ‘NHS Health Check: Restart preparation’ document. It aims to assist commissioners and providers in preparations to restart the NHS Health Check by signposting to relevant existing guidance. The update follows recent guidance from NHS England and Improvement to restore routine care.

Next steps for general practice following the accelerated COVID-19 vaccination booster campaign
On 27 January 2022 NHE England/Improvement published guidance on next steps for general practice following the accelerated COVID-19 vaccination booster campaign. The guidance advises that all providers should now restore routine care where services were paused in line with the guidance previously released by NHSE/I. This includes restarting the NHS Health Check programme.

Point of care testing in community pharmacies
NHSE/I have released guidance to support commissioners and providers of community pharmacy clinical services on using point of care testing. The guidance sets out the key principles and signposts to essential resources, including the relevant legislation and standards.

NHSE/I Community services prioritisation framework
On 11 January NHSE/I published a Community Services Prioritisation Framework to support local decision making on the services which may need to be paused to support the redeployment of workforce to the COVID response and booster acceleration programme. The framework identifies the NHS Health Check as one service that could be paused if necessary. It also sets an expectation that all paused community health services should resume from 1 March 2022.