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Explore NHS Health Check Data

Submit 2025/2026 Local Authority Eligible Population

Deadline for submitting revision = 12 June 2025

Local Authority:

DHSC Estimates

Figures for each local authority for 2025-26 Total Eligible Population have been calculated by DHSC using the latest available Office of National Statistics Data, minus the estimated number of people on existing disease registers.

To estimate the number of people on existing disease registers and therefore not eligible for a NHS Health Check, the age and sex specific weightings used in the NHS Health Check Ready Reckoner tool were applied to local population.

Prisoners serving a sentence of at least 6 months but under 2 years were also excluded from the TEP because, although they are not eligible for a NHS England check, by virtue of them being in prison they can't access a NHS Health Check provided by the local authority.

DHSC estimates for your local authority can also be found in the NHS Health Check TEP spreadsheet